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Library Lending Technology

Lavalier Microphone

Great for: recorded presentations, livestreamed presentations, broadcasting and interviews.

Getting to Know the Lavalier

Using the Lavalier

Using the Lavalier, its easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Plug microphone into smartphone.
  2. Now you are ready to use the microphone.
  3. Depending on the program/app you are recording to, you may need to adjust the settings to recognize the microphone.

Tips for Using the Lavalier

  • Attach the mic to lapel or clothing about 15-20 cm (6 inches) from your face.
  • Taping a loose loop of the mic cord to the inside of clothing to reduce unwanted noise.
  • Attach the microphone upside down to reduce breath noises and tonal inconsistencies.
  • It is always best practice to use the windshield at all times.